Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Elites

Some time in the year 2008. A group of thirteen people banded together and formed one of the most elite clans in the school of SMK Chung Hua. All elite and great clans all have a great and bombastic name. Whats this one called? Its called AWHYO. As to what this means, its for us to know and you to find out. If you can that is. We have sworn to uphold the secrecy of this clan name.

This clan is made up of seven girls and six boys. Yes, the girls outnumber the boys here. Heres the elitist according to oldness:

AWHYO|SieN (Wong Sing Sien)
AWHYO|Mr^Blue~ (Terrence Wong)
AWHYO|BlurQueen (Carrie Wong)
AWHYO|Shan (Yii Hee Shan)
AWHYO|Olic (Doris Ting)
AWHYO|Mr^Sim (Sim Poh Lim)
AWHYO|Mr^Bryan (Bryan Goh)
AWHYO|Mr^Daryl (Daryl Soon)
AWHYO|$$MoneY$$ (Susan Ling)
AWHYO|Emo (Melody)
AWHYO|Mr^No.1 (Ee Hau)
AWHYO|Mr^Eric (Chong Hao Hsiu)
AWHYO|Genius (Karen Ung)

Some people may ask, Who is the clan lord? The big kahuna who makes all the decisions? Well, its non other than the oldest one around Wong Sing Sien. The most powerful of all. She has the ability to kick people form this clan, so everyone must obey him. Except me of course. I am just as old as her. So i get immunity. Muahahahhaha. Dont know u guys noticed or not. But the Wong family is big. Three out of thirteen. Woot. While the rest are just random surnames. Some dont even have one. *Ahem*Melody*Ahem*. Thats all for now. Will introduce each member one by one in Future posts. See ya.


1 comment:

MeLo♥ said...

and, *ahem* me ==