Saturday, April 3, 2010

Update Update Update

Finally going to update my blog. Guess I've gotten lazy of blogging again. Caught up with way too much stuff in Uni I suppose. Studies, newswriting on Gosu, DotAing and so much more. But meh, life's good so far. Uni is pretty good I suppose. Surprisingly I kinda like Financial Accounting and MircoEconomics as well. Pretty surprised with myself actually. Oh and there was this major HailStorm that happened in Perth, it was like the worse in 15 years. Pretty serious, my Uni's Architecture building and Engineering build was destroyed. Kinda ironic dont you think? The architecture and Engineering building was destroyed but the arts and Business building are all in tact. Anyway, dont know what else to write. So I think i'll just post some photos from my phone for you guys.

The above two are the aftermath of the hailstorm. First photo is taken outside my room. Imagine if one of those hits your head. Ouch. And the second is some of the hail in my hand. Pretty big. As big as golf balls.

This is of course my room. My bed, closet and table.

This is my setup when I frag. Come on baby.

A failed omellete that I tried to make.

Steak and Mash. I make some really good mash potatoes.

Ok thats all for now peeps. Goodbye,



The Writer said...

Yay! i am the 1st one!

Dotaing!?stil dare to say! Update more la..hahaha..
wei! like shuang oh! got hailstorm. hahaha. Terry cannot believe u go liao perth so lihai in cooking edi lerr...

BlueBerry~ said...

HailStorm shuang? So destructive ler. But the scenery after it was just beautiful

BlueBerry~ said...

Not very lihai lar. Can eat and wont go vomit lar. But dont taste very good.

MeLo♥ said...

haha alor the hail storm reli cool dono why :D it's snow rite? O.o

BlueBerry~ said...

They are essentially round shaped ice. Imagine how much damage is has caused.

mayfandra said...

nice picts,,, excellent ^^b